The World’s best-selling Home Computer – Reborn!
It’s 1982 and a new home computer graces the scene.
Out goes the silent black and white experience and in with 64KB of RAM, colour graphics, and synthesizer sound.
Roll forward 35 years and kick nostalgia into overdrive with the release of THE64 MINI.
A tiny but perfectly formed officially licensed 50% scale replica of this much loved machine.
Featuring high-definition output via HDMI, a classic style joystick and 64 built-in games including classics like California Games, Paradroid, Nebulus, Impossible Mission and Uridium.
- High Definition output at 720p via HDMI
- Pixel Perfect display, with US/Europe display modes and CRT filter options
- Save & resume game functions
- 2 USB ports: plug in a USB keyboard and use as a fully functional home computer with C64 BASIC, or add a second joystick for 2-player games
- Supports software updates via USB flash drive